วันจันทร์ที่ 23 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Henry Potty and the Pet Rock: unauthorized Harry Potter parody of all ages

Henry Potty and the Pet Rock: unauthorized Harry Potter parody of all ages

Henry Potty and the Pet Rock: unauthorized Harry Potter parody of all ages

Posted: 22 May 2011 10:40 PM PDT

snake eyes golf clubs

Author's Note: The characters in this story are trained professionals. You have reached a great experience in flight with the vacuum, the creation of hot dog with magical means or intriguing to eternal life, and total world domination. Please do not try this at home.

NB: For adults, do not worry. This book is rated G and suitable for children of all ages. Guys, do not worry. If your parents try to sneak out the book so they can readyou, you can always hide under the floor of a haunted house, abandoned house to avoid the guards rhino pink swimsuit dashed on all fronts. Or, alternatively, is small enough to pass under the pillow.

Supplements: This book has been translated from American English into British English. From there it has been translated into English, and then through a short stay in Sweden, just for a change of pace. Then it was translatedback into American English with guilt and can now exists as the original design you have in your hands.

Supplement to the additional fee: This is a work of fiction. However, all the characters are scary people probably like you've seen elsewhere. Try not to worry. Finally, signs of a serious vacation.

PS: Let us know the story already, we?

The world is full of wonders. When buying a Hot Dog Cinemaand is very flexible, which is a miracle. If you tell the telemarketer that you are not interested, and he says, oh well, I'm sorry to bother you, it is a miracle. When you say a letter in the mailbox, you may have won a new car that is only the recovery of spam, we do not care about your purchase.

Guidance on the steps of Private 23,232,323.32 number, somewhere in England (the country of Shakespeare, British accents, and say if you average Chips) a child in a box near an asparagusFront door screaming and shouting. Its survival was another surprise, as the number of people who wanted to see him dead. Or at least seriously injured. Asparagus sellers have probably forever established his box, because all their children were now asparagus rolled helplessly on the floor. But the incredibly bad evil plans to conquer the world wanted him. It 'been in his job description.

And so the miracle baby was lying in his field of asparagus into tearsunjust world that was not really matter that much. His speech, so eloquently written as "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" meant, in baby talk, "What, I have ten years ago, before I am the protagonist of this book do you think? I'm here, the reader is reading, I want fame, I want to wish happiness, my lawyer, my brand cereal for breakfast will, I will … "

Fortunately for all involved, flew ten years in a period of a few lines, as the book is pushed forward to a chapter.Since he was the hero of the novel, the author has managed to drop an anvil on the brat is not whining, just as they would.

Chapter 1:

A stack of letters

In a house so common that cried quite unnoticed, the beige carpet that came with everything (including patches) for hamsters by Rabid sign that sellers held out, there lived a family of note. It 'was a very normal family, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Dorky, their son, stocky and their brave but ill-Appliances slave.

Oh Henry Potty favorite is called freedom only inhibited, but the name did not change the situation as he had hoped. menial slaves also subscribe to the newsletter U.S. has done little to alleviate his suffering. However, Henry smiled through the abuse as dumpy Dorky tried to pull his ears and Henry experimented with his kit of dark mold growth. Henry knew he was special. You see, he was … a destiny.

Henry has had this since he announcedstumbled on the note was left next to his basket. All the best heroes were placed in baskets, a basket of bread from Fred, who later started a national chain of restaurants french fry. In any case, the letter caught the attention of Henry with the letters from six inches to say: "Never, under any circumstances allow Henry Potty reading this letter." His cousin had left the room of Henry, the less of a sense of destiny and more from the fact that he has not yetlearned to read. He was only twelve, after all.

The letter said: "Fate has marked this guy for size Bring him, that did not get a filling head Oh, and make sure that wearing clean socks I can not stand athletes foot members, a mysterious benefactor who Elusive …. prefer to remain incognito for the moment. "

He knew that one day someone would come to save him from his life of hard work servile. Oh, not his parents. Lames and Jelly had been killed years ago, bothSlip on a pair of banana peel and fell on the death or satisfied by a rampant Lama's aunt, who can not remember. But someone, somewhere, cared enough to save him from a tragic life of athlete's foot. And I would find one day. Maybe. Henry was just happy to have so many unique facts with which to calm down.

In the meantime, he gave it to his fan club. Given that Henry had a destiny, he knew that in the future, people would break the doors of his houseto ask for an autograph. Equally well to build his fan base now, so that everyone would be ready when fame and fortune followed. They also gave him something nice to think after his monthly treatment of underpants cousin.

The letter came in a plain, simple, unassuming cover, the Henry carelessly thrown under his bed. Probably another advertisement or something equally value. His room was full of "Henry Potty" books, card games, action figures, toothpicksThe holders, posters, and other refuse. In short, everything that needed to be a star. But if his adventures appeared in the form of a brave knight on a white horse or a mysterious lamp, would grant the wishes and even polish his shoes, he knew Henry would not have understood it in an envelope. He started his site with a new brand, the update counter pink (00000000000000000000000000000000001 visitors have visited the Henry Potty Official Web Page) ignores the fact that all readerswere his blissful ignorance, smiling.

The next day there were two letters on his plate. Henry looked up just prior to alphabetize his chapter of rules and statutes for the potty Fan Club Henry hour later he was back down to meet his aunt says tasteful murals painted on the pipes under the sink disposal. "One day my fans will come," he sang, accompanied by the singing mice colorful clothes. Twinkling strike, magic lightsglasses from the pipes constantly threaten his vision frying pathetic. And so it went the first week of mysterious place.

Henry shrugged his head like an earthquake shook the ground beneath him. A horrible gelatinous creature glided down the stairs, all pale, lumpy and weird. E 'was Dorky squat.

Henry was a cousin of the latest trends in skateboarding because he was too fat to run. And with his limited intelligence, he does not have much of a glamorous futurehim. Perhaps they could, disc jockey one day. Henry checked his cousin again. Dumpy seemed surprisingly happy someone with this face.

"Henry, get me my slippers!"

Henry threw his head. Fortunately dumpy had moved to another thought (which could only handle one at a time in a really good day at least) and I have not noticed.

"You know what I do not understand?" He said.

"Geography second class?"

"No. Well, that, but also to explain why theythe star of the book. If you do not choose someone with charm and style? "



"Yes, you are less attractive as oatmeal left for Thanksgiving."

"Oh, that reminds me. I want a snack," said squat. "It 's five minutes since I ate breakfast."

"Of course, my little love-pudding," said Pilluffa. He knew, she called him that his form as its sweetness. Pilluffa long, pointed nose would mark them as the type of women's evil stepmother, tooif your skin smooth and green hair, who had betrayed him. Henry's aunt nicknamed Pill completed the picture. "Why can not I set the slaves … er, your cousin, a cup of bacon sandwiches with a bowl of double cream, and she shows me all his negative Q product."

Henry shuddered. Bread and water were not so bad, considering. At least he knew the source of dispute is the dumpy mood her character was really, really wake up early in the morning. He had just been11.00, as Henry had "success" for the cast-iron stove fell on the floor.

"Oh, Henry, I expect he wants some dumpy bars of chocolate, too," said Aunt Pilluffa.

Henry fought with the two activities at once to do, but it was impossible. The chocolate bar in the kitchen while the fat was in the pantry and do not see how Henry could be in two places. At least not breathing, yet.

"And I know you're busy shampooing and our hamsters and pedicureso on, but take a moment to throw out all these letters. Every 200 to 56 of them cluttering up the place and I can never someone to tea. "

Pilluffa never had any tea, however, as they did their best friends who was the villain of the book and refusing to associate with her. However, the hope that he could. Pilluffa has fallen sharply, hurt stepmotherish nails a bit 'deeper. "It could be fan mail."

"I doubt it," Henry sighed. "There is not even a hint ofa breeze comes out of them. "Still, he raised the top letter off the stack. At least someone out there wanted to hear from him. When he wrote again, he could at least recently updated his potty Henry newsletter.

He opened the letter.

Dear Henry,

They probably did not understand this, but the frequent use of magic has been characterized as a stomach! If you're even half as talented as you claim, we are pleased to welcome you in our school to be admitted. As you explore thewithout doubt the exemplary schools in England, you can check the California sun for your student's needs. Our school hovers Chicken Feet Academy on a beautiful beach of trash-free, just minutes from the nearest strip malls, fast food and, of course, Hollywood. Some people have called us a school on September 4 defamatory. This is completely untrue! In fact, we are proud to count ourselves among the largest schools in the nation's third category. Word of thy fame has reached evenhalf the world. Well, maybe a third of the world. The Atlantic is a small sea, such as oceans. If you do not time zones, in which case it is calculated the same as Hong Kong, but in the opposite direction … where was I? Oh, yes. Let us know if you are interested in our first student to ever be completed.


Professor clumsy Bore

"It seems interesting," said Henry.

"It would have been all year?" my aunt asked.


"Hmm, thissounds like a good program. "

United menial slaves had fought for years for it and was slowly accumulate rights. In a few years they could rebel against the muck out stables. Meanwhile, they were demanding blades.

So much power in the hands (or rather, blades) of slaves was quite terrifying for the innocent, hardworking people who had choked their common in all these years. Then, you can now meet their domestic workers, the family of Henry beingjumped at the chance. Well, got my aunt and uncle. Dorky dumpy requires several classmates excess fat before rolling stand so much.

Within a week, Henry suitcase and was ready to go. His family pushed him to the floor. "But I've never seen before England! Links

"Shut up, we'll give you your freedom."

"Yes, Americans will take you to the right."

His aunt and uncle called him an emotional farewell, including a waiver of throwing garbagehim. Dumpy showed no such limitation.

His good fairy was there to meet him when he got off the plane. "Hello, my dear, I'm your fairy. And I'm going to a dress and a magic pumpkin coach, and all you have to go to the ball!" She wore a soft pink taffeta dress and pink high-heeled shoes, which raised their heels so far the fact that Henry was amazed that they could walk. Henry noted that the wife of singing birds, mice were rounded up, and four off-keyHedgehog.

"I have a fairy?"

"Everybody a godmother or godfather. Get It needs serious!"

"Well, thanks for your offer, but I'm not going to a ball. I'm going to Chicken Feet Academy.

"Oh!" The woman turned her wand, the changes in army fatigues with pink top, pink combat boots. "So we take this back to school sales!"

"Oh, why do I have to go shopping?"

"And 'boring the reader, who will be most affected if something happensLater in the book, her fairy godmother said.

"Why do not we just skip this section?"

Henry left the store carrying all the things you need to later years, including a boiler and a hot-Sedrun, gizzard different garments in a variety of tasteful colors with matching socks and hair ribbons, a small set of stairs, the snake, the scales broke up, several grapefruit and a small elephant.

"Wait, do not forget your wand!" his godmother, protestedquick to reach, after all the parts with their fairy godchild had blown.

Henry left the store carrying all the things you need to later years, including a boiler, a hot-Sedrun, gizzard different garments in a variety of tasteful colors with matching socks and hair ribbons, a small scale, the snake, the balance was absent, other than grapefruit, a small elephant and a wand.

"Not so", he rebuked her godmother. "The magic wand, at least, havePurchase of right. "

She brought the kids Wall, and pushed him inside. "Henry Potty," murmured a tall, attractive woman with red cheeks and an umbrella. He was holding a tape measure up to his ear and dropping the other end to the ground. "There is a great cost to nannies. Do not put away the socks. "

"There are in the wrong book, dear?" Asked Henry's godmother.

"They have advertised for a nanny?"

"Dear me, no, Henry goes on Chicken Feet Academy.

"I'm sorryyou're afraid, then. "

"Oh, no, not at all. I have to meet Sleeping Beauty in a few pages in any case," said the godmother.

The mysterious nanny umbrella up and flew away, soaring higher and higher into the sky. After a while came a cry of horror and the metallic sound of overhead telephone lines. Henry turned their attention to Henry Fee, the traffic counting points on the ceiling and tried to model was found in them, despite the fact that theCeiling was solid black.

"Henry, wake up you have to get a wand."

"Really?" Most people say I need to have a life. I would take a magic wand easier. "

Henry's godmother sighed. "All right. Now stand on one foot, put the other leg behind your head and keep your arms in front of him. Then close your eyes. Oh, and try to move the ears."

Henry did as he was told. "Well, this will help you understand what kind of magic wand to come to me?" He felt a slight buzz.Maybe it was a blast of magic to dive into her soul to find the treasure he perfect rod for the rest of his life.

In fact it was the record button on the camera her fairy. "No, this is my submission to America's Funniest Fairygodchildren," he said.

"But what is my wand?" Henry asked, still trying to wiggle his ears.

"Oh. Here". He pulled the nearest bar from the shelf and threw it on Henry, who jumped up and caught it in his mouth while stillMaintaining its position. "Good boy!" said her godmother. "My God, I could earn twice as much money if I made this America's Pets more fun, too. Here are a delight!" She gave him a piece of chocolate, and opened his mouth to catch, drop the baton in the process. The stick landed on its single support leg and jumped from the pain, the chocolate still in the teeth.

Her godmother was the rotation of the camera. "People will make this my one million.Maybe I could go on the island and show some 'real money. "

Henry finally realized that he had his wand now, and does not need to keep jumping with the other leg behind his head crushed, just for her fairy godmother, and millions of Americans to do with nothing better to talk on television. So he stopped.

Henry fairy sighed and walked away disappointed from the camera. "I guess there's nothing to see." Bigfoot was flying through the window rides on a UFO, but neitherthe human eye. "Well, well, Henry, and have fun at school," said her godmother.

"Wait, do not get any wish or blessing or something?"

"Hmm, that's a good idea. At least you could keep out of trouble." The fairy Henry bopped on the head with his baton.

"What have you done?" He asked.

"I'll smash your head with my magic wand. My God, he could say no?"

"No, I mean, what has he got?"

"It 's been fun." She bopped a second time "and that is withinBang out of it you were. "Only a small trickle of money from the ears of Henry as Henry moaned cascade. Magic wand was tolerable, but the pun was godmother.

"Well, well, I'll give you your gift." He waved his wand in an arc over the head of Henry. Immediately, a bright light flooded from above, blinding him and forcing Henry to squint.

"It could turn that down?" He asked.

"Of course." The dazzling light swing even closerHenry watery eyes.

"No, I mean you turn on the intensity." Immediately, the brightest part of the recovery as close to Henry and covered his eyes in despair. "Turn it off!" he shouted.

"Sure, sure, there is no need to shout. Well, at least you seem to buy a little 'brighter. If we continue on this, you might as well spend a couple of classes." The glow grateful.

"But what makes the light?" Henry asked.

"It 's your conscience, Henry. IfE 'as the means you've done a good deed. I only wish that the crickets were not an endangered species. This will send my electricity bill in the air. Well? Are you going to say that I thank you? "

Henry frowned. It was not grateful for a huge spotlight, and a consciousness of less interest. "Fairy Godmother? I was looking for something a little 'more than hope, crucial." Henry rubbed his fingers together in the universal sign for money.

His good fairy reachedin her purse and pulled out a pink marshmallow fluff covered. "You okay now?" Well, "he said, and disappeared, but not before spreading his forehead with a big, wet kiss, almost under the skin in its intensity.

Then again erupted in "Remember, I almost forgot;! Always let your conscience be your guide Oh, and clean clothes .." It turned out, so that the aroma of lavender laundry detergent and the tinkle of artificial light music wafting in the air.

HenryPotty and the Pet Rock is now available in paperback! For more free, please visit http://www.HarryPotterParody.com.

วันพุธที่ 18 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The golf world's most famous

The golf world's most famous

The golf world's most famous

Posted: 17 May 2011 11:20 PM PDT

snake eyes golf clubs

Have you ever wondered what makes golf popular? Is the presence of world class golf courses are difficult, or is it true? Or maybe it's the natural landscape that makes the game more fun? Whatever the reason, here are some well-known golf courses designed by world-renowned golf course developers in:

The Royal Calcutta Golf Club was founded in India in 1829 and is the oldest golf course in the world outside the UnitedUnited Kingdom. He received his royal status by King George V in 1911. It may sound simple, but the path is quite long – up to 7,200 feet – from the back tees and has a lot of water hazards. In the past, the golf course and a fair share of Krait – small, deadly snakes, which were sometimes fairway.

Originally located in the Dum-Dum in Calcutta, where the international airport is now the golf course was later moved to the Tollygunge.It rests just a few meters above the river Ganges. Since 1892, the Indian Amateur Championship (one of the oldest in the World Championship) was held there.

Another famous golf course in Augusta, Georgia will be displayed. This was proposed by New York banker Clifford Roberts and the price was set by Alister Mackenzie in 1920. E 'spectacular flowering shrubs line the fairways and each hole to give his name. Augusta is considered by many to be the most demandingSure, but can be enjoyed as well as the average player.

The course is primarily for his 11th, 12th and 13th hole that the 'Amen Corner, "named after the American writer Herbert Warren Wind Golf, are known. He suggested a quiet word with the Almighty to help players to do so through these holes.

Want to improve your golf game? Start with the right equipment.

วันศุกร์ที่ 13 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Obscure News

Obscure News

Obscure News

Posted: 12 May 2011 11:40 PM PDT

snake eyes golf clubs

Famous Hobo Travelin 'Jack Steinway died last night in Arizona. It was the 76th

Although traditionally not glitziest career, Jack is truly one of the protagonists of wandering during his long career. Perhaps it is well known for his unusual choice of instrument known. While many promote the harmonica and occasional guitar, Jack is known to most of his life with an elegant grand piano was on the return journey, at times very playful side of his ribs onContemporaries.

Born in Tennessee were his own parents, Steinway and his family often forced, in his own words, "bend backwards to make ends meet." If this is literally in the sense of touching the feet of their head like a donut man, or a metaphorical monetary goal has never been clear, but one thing was certain: Turn to the back was a good way to earn a living. Jack and his family are often on street corners for hours round and round for allthey were worth only pennies on foot with thin by disinterested passers-by.

At the age of fourteen years and counting) disappointed at the family trade (only a few people, if necessary, was junior to trade with the families failed contortionist, Jack opened his and took a job as a bartender in a strip club. Because his eyes wandering and the resulting tremors of hands, was fired soon Jack pour more alcohol than they paid in love, but not before he had learnedrudimentary piano at the jazz pianist who often accompanies the acts, "Keys" Lockwell.

Unfortunately, bad luck seemed to follow Steinway, and as a result of a largely semi-literate public Lockwell himself was soon dismissed from his post as people uncomfortable with the sound of a strip club that offered "Girl with a pianist."

Down on their luck and Steinway made ​​a daring midnight raid on the club Lockwell and came away with a piano and some ratherPick feathered boa, a snake extinct long ago.

After the sale of Boaz to the local zoo, and Jack has decided to key the disc track in California in the hope of better fortune. As a young member of the duo, Jack was the job of keeping the grand piano that had stolen the night before. He would recall later, with his clever way of description is "God-damn hard."

However, the plan was an unexpected bonus afterYear running in an unnatural angle mis leaning back the expenditure on account of his childhood, ducking under three tons of excess weight soon led to a wonderful attitude correction.

By the time they arrived in California, Steinway was his way as a pianist, but he had more noble ambitions Lockwell mood began to crumble. After a dispute over a woman, the two parted ways, promising to talk again. Lockwell apparently committed suicide the night by dropping a pianoup, although the police are suspicious of this statement, and many questions remained unanswered on the left.

Excluding the impact of leadership Lockwell, Jack soon went off the rails. E "Keys" Lockwell financial acumen was by far superior as a Steinway, which was both stupid with the money also had phenomenal luck. The five had pleaded in August 1945, he invested his savings in some young Japanese electronics company based in Hiroshima. A wise move, butspectacular with the atomic bombing of cities in dust on the day after that failed.

eventually decides that he happiest when riding the rails, Steinway off hoboism a lasting career has been. learn, despite the insistence of his contemporaries, he flatly rejected, a portable instrument and his piano made persistent across the southwest very advanced in his later years.

In reality, the legend of Travelin 'Jack Steinway always just big enough that hecould show in a city and trade from there to replace a drink or smoke, or at different times, boom, a spine transplant complete its ridiculously compressed vertebrae.

However, age and injuries could not crush his spirit. If monthly Hobo made with him last year, his trademark wit was on display for all to see, as he notes succinctly: "What the f * ck are you?" before the game against our reporters place on his head and neck with a bottle of Jack Daniels.

With itsabove, the great American road loses one of its most colorful figures. Times when he can remember.

Edit: for sale Antique wing. Well worn. Offers welcome.

วันพุธที่ 11 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Macritchie Reservoir – a haven of natural beauty and quiet charm Lush

Macritchie Reservoir – a haven of natural beauty and quiet charm Lush

Macritchie Reservoir – a haven of natural beauty and quiet charm Lush

Posted: 11 May 2011 04:40 AM PDT

snake eyes golf clubs

The breathtaking environment Macritchie Reservoir is a must for all lovers of nature and fitness visit to Singapore to visit. Built in 1867, this historic vessel, the oldest of the island and was built to store water. The construction of the dam has also helped preserve part of natural forests in Singapore. Today, more than a mile from the lush forests of the central basin of the Nature Reserve, dominated mainly along the vicinity of Macritchie Reservoir.The nature reserve near the picturesque scenery of the lake to explore this place a very beautiful place.

There are sturdy wooden walkways that skirt the edge of the Macritchie reservoir and several hiking trails, water snake through the thick woods that surround this picturesque body. tropical rain forest, trees and rubber plantations of the 19th Century, offers visitors a lush natural environment for walking, running and walkingWater sports such as kayaking and canoeing can be enjoyed along the basin of calm water. The fauna here is another new attraction of the Reserve Macritchie. endangered animals as the Malayan Pangolin and forestry Mousedeer Little can be discovered, while birds like cuckoos, babblers, sunbirds and Flowerpeckers common inhabitants of the area.

There are two main attractions of the Reserve Macritchie, jelutong the Tower and the Tree Top Walk. The jelutongTower is an observation point 20 meters in height that allows visitors to Bird's Eye View of the Club Iceland breathtaking golf course in the country Singapore and the tank. The Tree Top Walk is an ideal location for exploring adventurous. The walk consists of a suspension bridge 25 meters high, which is on both sides of the two highest points in the Macritchie reservoir connected, will offer participants a unique view of the forest and lake.

วันเสาร์ที่ 7 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

No sale, like a yard sale

No sale, like a yard sale

No sale, like a yard sale

Posted: 06 May 2011 08:00 AM PDT

snake eyes golf clubs

My wife, the love of God has a problem. Normally it is a wonderful woman, always kind to animals and children, friendly with the neighbors, one and all loved. But every Saturday morning shortly after dawn, its something happened, something terrible! This is an ugly, vicious, salivating, clawing thing! No, she is a werewolf, but this is a pretty good guess. If only it were something of a silver bullet could cure (or a case of Silver Bullets, for that matter).

TheirProblem is not only the blood disorder, my friends. It is a disease of the mind, spirit and body. This is an all-encompassing misery, the same way, you could get the morning after the above case Downing of Silver Bullets, I suppose.

This curse is called … Yardsalitis! (Please imagine an ominous musical burst here)

If you ride, just because it has not been exposed to the disease. Be warned Yardsalitis is everywhere and spreading fast! There aredifferent levels of disease and can be cured if caught in time. To help, a person with Yardsalitis, let me detail the various steps for you.

First there are the SY (Social Yardsalers), those who participate only occasionally and usually do so with a group of peers. These are the lightweights of the game. They do it to look cool, get fit, not because an overwhelming need to have dirt strip to another person.

Then come the RY's (RecreationalYardsalers). This group has a fun pastime yardsaling harmless. The first symptom of this stage is denial. "I'm not hurt anyone!" is the slogan of RY's. RY yardsaling to go when the weather is fine and have nothing better to do on a Saturday morning. You can live without it, but would have preferred to live with her.

Things start to look bad as the disease progresses to the next level, known as "Progressive Yardsalitis. This group is pathetic, because on the swingThe edge of the final phase. They feel the need to get up at dawn on Saturday morning and into the street and smell the proverbial "good deal" as sleuths crack addicted. But if the huge subsidies and the reality is that regrets paying $ 200 for a Tickle Me Elmo, which should not touch their children. Most have no memory of the actual purchase. They claim only to wake up to their deal in hand.

Shaken swear "never again", but is an oath cable. Clearthere are those who can go weeks without an update. But relapse is imminent. You know, you know their families, and souls cruel to the yard sales knowledge.

"We have what you need" is the mantra of the oppressors of the yard sale.

Finally, the hope is abandoned and the reputation of the deal must be resolved. Those affected will become a real Yardsalaholic. This is the category of my dear wife is inside is the high priestess of the garage door open. E 'on Conan Yardsalian!

Like a gunslinger in Dodge City, is a sample from yardsaler quickly out of hand and have the peripheral vision of an iguana. And please do not hesitate to come and fight for what you do, either. There's more elbow at a table with Beanie Babies that under the tires for the NBA playoffs covered! These women are evil, and in this scenario, my wife would be Dennis Rodman.

I recently saw an actual yard sale. It was not as scary as the participation in a> Snake Handling or go to my mother-in-law's for dinner, but was very close.

It was a joint venture, are the "blunder", between my wife and sister, Lucy and Ethel set the yard sale. Like the men, I do not think we really know our women, until we see them in context yard sale. What I saw was educational, yes.

The following is an excerpt from the research that I write about this experience. I will be the final text of the South Hampton Institute presentationTechnology Hammond Eggar Anthropological Department, when it's done. Or can I just send to Paul Harvey, I have not decided yet. Anyway, here's an excerpt:

"And who are these pathetic souls who can not live without their weekly dose of false Tupperware and decapitated Barbie dolls? Normally, the hormone can and everything in the way women are. The only men present were those whose wives have dragged to keep their wallets while they (women) clawed frogBeanie Babies in boxes and trying to second-hand shoes, which three numbers were too small. These are the same men are often seen walking on women's underwear section of Wal-Mart bags and keep us in compliance with astonishment. Even the most beautiful women in pink bra labels can be drawn from this radio.

"Scientifically speaking, it is a whole 'nother culture. The people had gathered in the driveway of 6 clock, even if the signs Subjects A and B (Lucy and Ethel)plastered all over the district has made it clear that the clock was 7:00 start time. It 'was like that movie "Night of the Living Dead", where the dead are stumbling all over the field toward the farmhouse, where the undead, it would be that the survivors are holed up. Graduate come forward, arms outstretched, fingers wiggling, in his eyes a shiny appearance. "Quaaaaarter" he groaned. "Want a quarterrrrr …"
End of story.
And therein lies the true art of the transaction: it is notask what you spent that Flowbee equipment missing, but as you all talking about the price. This is called "Yardsalanomics", a theory of economics can not even explain Donald Trump. Yardsalanomics The crucial point is this: it is what you pay is what you do not pay.

Only a fool pays the asking price. Ask my wife.

To be honest, you're trying to break their addiction. E 'currently a member of the local group Yardsalaholics Anonymous. YA is a "make aUseful, if you can "group that meets in members of the garage Addiction every Saturday morning for the community and the media. Unlike most programs, however, has only nine steps YA.

He used to have twelve, but my wife talked them down.

วันพุธที่ 4 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Gear for golf, children-friendly

Gear for golf, children-friendly

Gear for golf, children-friendly

Posted: 03 May 2011 08:20 AM PDT

snake eyes golf clubs

In the past, parents had a hard time looking for tools and equipment that their children can use in the game of golf. There were no golf clubs that would fit children. But with the interest that the child began the sport for those who are long you can see, golfing made ​​especially for them. A golfer is definitely the game of golf well when he was able to start at the beginning of its formation. In this way he will have enough time for its developmentSkills and good in this sport. A set of tools and materials available for children in those days. Of course, you still need guidance in choosing what is good for him.

Talk to a PRO

The first thing to do is talk to a professional. A professional golfer will certainly be able to detect that the training, the equipment needed to start. He has the experience and knowledge that can let you know. As a parent you do not just buy everything youfind in stores. You must carefully choose those who need it now.


The first thing you may consider is a set of junior clubs. In this set you can find woods, putters and iron. It 's a good start for him because he is, of course, have the right size of club that can swing comfortably in the Gulf. Most of the time, comes a set with a bag that I use to do the things they need, can arrange forSport.


In addition to the golf club, there are more accessories that you need to list the games, like shoes and clothing that plays like him. Make sure your clothes reflect her personality. The type of golf balls that should be used for those who are lower compression balls flying to respond better to a slower and less powerful. A child has a under very limited now. It 'also good, a childTees and golf ball markers. A pair of gloves is a good idea, especially during hot summer days.

Budget and sources

Before you buy these things, you have to budget, set that you spend. Identify and make it as a guide in the selection of gears that can be used for sport. Visit shops in your area to find items like that. You can also use online sites that are very popular these days. Internet shopping is actually much more convenient becauseSave time and energy.

Help your child draw for golf, his passion is. Make sure that all the things you need for the sport. The suggestions are to choose which elements of leaders, for him to have the best equipment. Keep this in mind all the time.