วันเสาร์ที่ 19 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Camping preparing security – The great outdoors!

Camping preparing security – The great outdoors!

Camping preparing security – The great outdoors!

Posted: 18 Mar 2011 01:40 PM PDT

snake eyes golf clubs

Outdoor Living can be a fun time relaxing and fun for everyone. There are so many different summer activities that family and friends can enjoy together. Camping, hiking, swimming and water skiing are just some of the possibilities.

Unfortunately, every year people either lose their lives or were seriously out of tent fires, animal attacks, insect bites, sunburn, storms, etc. Many of these problems can be overcome or injured by the damage under controlsome very simple precautions.


Check the weather before going out. Pay attention to possible storm conditions in the area are expected to visit. If the weather should consider another break for the field
Develop a contingency plan before departure. Includes a plan on what to do when someone loses (to blow a whistle for the kids is a good idea)
Check before you know the rulesand regulations of the camp, where he will be staying
Keep clothes and sleeping bags stored, so that will remain dry regardless of weather conditions (which can stay in wet clothes cause chills and lead to a disease that can ruin your camping experience)
Bring a light to bring first aid kit 72 hours: including high energy density of food, water, a first aid kit, area map and compass, flashlight, multi-tool knife, pipe lighters waterproof tent , extra clothes and insect

Be sure to practice the rules of camping safety:

Arrive early enough at the time, check your campsite carefully for possible hazards (broken glass, fallen trees / limbs nests, bees or wasps, etc.) and set everything up before the evening
Set your tent on a hill overlooking a gentle descent, so when mixing occurs and runoff from the tent
Never cook, smoke, matches, candles or other open flames or near your tent
Never refuelHeaters, lamps, stoves, barbecue, etc. or flammable objects in a tent
Store food away from tents. In the trunk of the vehicle, is the best, or in a sealed container hanging from a tree branch at least 10 feet off the ground
Sleep at least 100 meters away from the area where you can store and cook food in
Good hygiene practices. Wash your hands, especially after using the toilet and before handling food to prevent disease
Keep your campsite clean. Place all waste inanimal containers (never waste buried). Use appropriate containers for recycling if sitting around a campfire, roasting marshmallows, singing campfire songs, watching beautiful sunsets, or counting the stars is a great way to spend an evening. And who does not enjoy a good hot dogs roasted over an open fire.

Camp Fire Safety:

Build a ring of fire (only as big as needed), surrounded by rocks, away from curtains and flammable items
Never light a fire withflammable liquids
Take a bucket of water or sand nearby, ready to fire
NEVER a fire unattended
Be sure to completely eliminate your fire when you are done, including all remaining embers
Delete all the bonfire (and lanterns) before going to bed Mother Nature has so many wonderful outdoor activities, just waiting to be experienced in equipment. By following these simple guidelines will help you to spend time outdoors and avoidAvoidable breakdown from ruining fun camping.

Fun in the Sun safety rules:

Bring sunscreen and sunglasses, no matter what time, how easy it is burned, and easy on your eyes even in dark time
to explore on foot or in a group or with a friend. Let those responsible know where you are going and how long you are away. Notification when you turn
Become familiar with hazardous or toxic plants in the area. If you arriveContact with one, wash the affected area with water and apply a soothing lotion
Practice water safety. close monitoring of young children
Protect yourself against insect bites (which can cause an allergic reaction and end early for camping)
Never feed or approach wild animals. Use a flashlight at night to warn away
If you walk Clock for snakes and other animals. Be careful when picking up something and look around before sitting down. When encountering awild animal stay calm and slowly (no sudden movements)

Pay attention to weather that can change suddenly. At the first sign of a thunderstorm, lightning follow these safety precautions:

Hut, if 30 seconds or less between the flash and count the thunder. if possible in a change in building or vehicle (do not touch anything metal) – are protected for 30 minutes after the last thunder
Avoidtallest object around or near the highest object (ie an isolated tree) or objects that conduct electricity, the (wire, power lines, golf clubs, fishing rods, etc.)
Look for the lowest lying area, crouch down (not flat) and protect your head
Book out of the water from your camping experience a good experience and be prepared for disasters before they happen!

