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The Scarlet Letter and Symbolism

The Scarlet Letter and Symbolism

The Scarlet Letter and Symbolism

Posted: 14 Mar 2011 06:01 AM PDT

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The Scarlet Letter is a novel of much symbolism. Throughout the novel several characters represent other ideas. One of the most complex and misunderstood in the novel is Pearl, the daughter of Hester Prynne. Pearl in history is being developed in a dynamic symbol – a change for ever. Although the change in Pearl, still symbolizes evil. Pearl symbolizes evil in history, showing God's punishment for the sin of Hester as a symbol of guilt and The Scarlet Lettercontrolling their behavior, and defying the laws of Gay and puritanical do with nature. Pearl is a punishment from God for their jeering and yelling from Hester. Throughout the novel, at times it seemed that the mother as a witch for almost a Baby (Matthiessen 104). It is a striking mix of strong emotions with a fiery temper and a capacity for evil. Pearl, Hester's life was one of the constant nagging and no joy. The child could not be, the rules available. Hester also commentsto himself, "Oh Father in heaven – if you're still my Father – what is the nature that led me into the world" (Hawthorne 89)? Pearl molesting his mother Piyasena / jaw 2 of the scarlet "A" she wore. Over time, Hester as much mockery of Pearl and others who have been forced into retreat has been suspended. Pearl, the sins of Hester and Dimmesdale both. Pearl will be the direct result of sin (Martin 108). Your sins are people lying on each otherthat led to Pearl. Hester realizes that Pearl is, if in their possession before the Pearl "A" with you about the child because it is a direct reflection of their sin. Hester is "wise to follow, it would be a sign of shame, but just serve to hide another" (Hawthorne 48).

Dimmesdale sin is not adultery, but not the courage to admit that he falsified. Therefore, one of his "secret sin." Pearl Is The Scarlet Letter enjoyed it, and also controls their behavior. E 'It should be noted, that was in reference to Pearl described almost exclusively of uncontrolled, chaotic passion (MacLean 54). Throughout the novel Pearl is the "A" Although it attracted only a child, his eyes were caught by the gold embroidery gleaming 90 Hawthorne on the letter "()" in their children. How old is Pearl and Hester throws the letter on the floor, Pearl yells to his mother until the "A" places to return to their chest. Hawthorne says that Pearl is "The Scarlet Letterin another form, the scarlet letter endowed with life "(95), which shows that it is indeed throughout the book The Scarlet Letter of". A "is the character that attempts by the colonial authorities, crime and the criminal (fix Ragussis 97), even if the fabric shows the sin does Pearl. It is a much stronger drive for the punishment of Hester Piyasena / 3, Hester his jaw piece of cloth on his chest. Their influence is the principal agent of salvation for his mother, Pearl. Hester and Dimmesdaleshare much blame for Pearl. Debt Dimmesdale is full of mental anguish and serves as a constant reminder of his sin. Dimmesdale is a minister, [who] commits adultery, and sent the public statement of remorse (Martin 108). He remains silent, so he continues to do God's work as a minister. It is said that he is a bad sign, [the] empathy with others (Peckham 92) was. Pearl leads his fault if you do not want them on the scaffold, "You hadnot fat! – You were not true! … I do not want to promise to take my hand and my mother's hand, tomorrow at noon "(Hawthorne 150)! Debt Hester is both. Chillingsworth and Dimmesdale Chillingsworth derivatives married a woman who loves him, which is one of Hester causes of debt. Dimmesdale causes their guilt when they see their own suffering for the sins they have committed both. Although committed the same sin, only through Hester. Pearl wasThe scarlet letter had happily with his mother. When the tank for the Governor's Mansion Bellingham The Scarlet "A" into something extraordinary and horribly disfigured, and Pearl, who points to it, "smiled the mother elf with the intelligence that was so familiar an expression for the his features small "(Hawthorne 1999). As a child, Pearl, the letter "and putting up her little hand is attached, seized, [the letter] is not hesitant smile, but Piyasena / 4 with a pinedecided to shine "(Hawthorne 90).

Pearl is a tendency of The Scarlet Letter fully developed strong when he imitated his mother from an algal "A" on his chest. Much of the strangeness of Pearl comes from their exceptional quickness of mind and the environment in which abnormal is raised with their mother only as a guide. As Pearl developed a personality, is a symbol of the kind of passion, accompanied sin Hester. Hester Pearl pretentious behavior was tolerated, butcondemn him to their hearts in the child. As a pearl that so closely with the letter "A" on his chest Hester added that the project not only Hester's sin, but also its conscience. Nature is a fun hobby for Pearl, so one of his favorite activities is playing with flowers and trees. It blends in natural things, and she was nice here [Forest] in the streets and grass verge of the colony, or in his mother's house, "as Hawthorne notesin the novel (202). She is so closely associated with nature, the forest animals to disperse in their place. Member Hawthorne, "The mother forest, and these wild things that has nourished, all recognized a kindred wildness in the human child," as Pearl is a walk with his mother (202).

However, the Puritans believed that all that is evil associated with the forest, thus defying its laws Pearl of effervescent tablets and happily in the forest. Some of the Puritans alsobelieve that a demon can be offspring. So unusual is her behavior that are often in terms such as "Elf Baby" Piyasena / Pine 5 "Kobold", and the word "airy sprite." Pearl is a virtual shouting match between the views of puritan and romantic way. Pearl is a source of many types of symbols. E 'is a rose and the scarlet letter. If it were not born, Hester would not have to wear the letter. Pearl is a burden to Hester, but Hester loves. She is also the motheronly treasure, and his only means of survival. Without Pearl, Hester would be a different life without the scarlet letter, one is without sin, and have lived without their treasure.

