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Golf Course Management – Development of a strategic approach to golf

Golf Course Management – Development of a strategic approach to golf

Golf Course Management – Development of a strategic approach to golf

Posted: 02 Jul 2011 10:42 AM PDT

snake eyes golf clubs

Course management techniques.

You get the best of golf, the most important strategic aspects of the game has become. But during the development and improve the workplace, you should start training with the golfers eye for opportunities, looking at your game and ultimately improve your score. An often overlooked aspect of golf course management. Management of the courses is easy to work your way around the golf course in a way thatavoids the risks and focuses on the golf course to play high percentage. Similar to the pool or pool player, is the ideal strategy for a plan so that you never leave a shot difficult to perform. A shot difficult, in this context is a shot of a high risk of a low premium, or forcing a shot that hit that do not meet well. Or more precisely, the goal is to never rely on a shot that is not practiced first and then I'm not sure that inference. I realize that this is easier said than for most, if not all of us did. One more reason to follow a plan that you try.

What is the relative importance of this for all the other golf "stuff"?

Do not hear much of the golf course management, though, so it is important to score? Ben Hogan was quoted as saying that there are a mean oscillation and a disciplined approach to managing the course enough to play professional> Golf. When combined with a good swing, it was possible to get to play golf! Hogan evaluated at some point in his career, representing 20% of the ball and manage the course or part of the planning equation is an astonishing 80% ! In fact, reading between the lines, convictions and recommendations revealed that Hogan had a bad shot is not someone who is smart, because this must happen during a round. A bad attitude toward him was a blow, even if hitperfect, it would not be good for the holiday or the difficulty to implement the next shot. Hogan should know, as with the changes that he claims to contribute to its success on the Pro Tour after almost broke for the third time a course of disciplined management approach. This approach transformed him from a professional who fight by the beginning of 1938, the winner of money for several years and a major record straight about 117 ends in cash before being interrupted by World War II.Course management Hogan rode hard until he stepped forward with his secret in 1946. Tom Watson thought it was so important that he wrote a book is dedicated. Finally, I would add that not all golfers playing in strict accordance with the policy and believes that the adoption of a relatively "dogmatic" to this element of the game. Ray Floyd, of course, play strategically, but not how to develop a game plan set ahead of time to attack a course, having pulled its spots, on the basishis execution of it, and a strategy for the inspiration of the moment. His reluctance had to do a temperament or personal matter. He knew his game very well and that are "keyed" his brain when he realized after his plan failed, and adversely affect his confidence. There are many out there, Ray Floyd, however, so if we reach this point in your development, congratulations. The rest of us should read!

What Golf Course?

Have you everplayed a golf course and noted where the bunkers and other hazards in relation to green? Of course you have, and you've probably looked out the green and found that an easier way to play around the hole from the point of view of the green. Perhaps view was not visible from the tee. Or, similarly, looked off the tee, and realized there was a lot more space known as the architect of tea. In simple terms, that the golf courseManagement, as the approach or the deliberate planning and placement of golf shots considering the best way to play each hole. Note that it is almost always a better way or easier to get more good golf holes. This design element is a golf course, and often comes into play, given the potential reward of a particular shot. Also note that this is one thing into consideration the strengths and weaknesses of your golf game will be mitigated. For example,Stonewall Golf Course in Gainesville is an excellent place with a great strategic design. The 18 Hole, a par 5 of about 517 meters from the tip is better to play in the middle or short of the bunker on the left and offers a good angle on the green and the opportunity to play safe in the water with a hybrid or long iron played side left of the green and play a little 'tone or chips to the green. But there is a bunker on the right of the fairway, which protects discsof water and if you blow to make about 265 meters or so you can use the bunker and no more than a 7 or 8 iron to the green. The par 5 fifth hole is similar in design, but at 558 meters, you have a little challenge with a long iron, hybrid or a green shallow water in front of the green. The risk-reward calculation, the 18 hole is distinctly different from that of the elections, the hole 5 in which the character of the moment is probably still in question. Most players go for the 18 holealmost everywhere, because the course has already eaten their lunch at this point in the round!

How can we not know much about managing the golf course is and what should I drag the items taken into consideration?

There are dozens and dozens of books on golf swing and the elements of swing, short game, if you like, etc., but very few books on management courses. Make the golf course management is a part of your "bag" golf can beas simple as taking note of where the bunker, and other risks and simply avoid them. But there's a reason the architect placed the golf course's bunkers in the first place. In some cases the bunkers to protect from an errant shot to go outside the boundaries or in worse trouble. The most obvious bunkers protecting the green by collecting errant shots left, right, short and long term. The less obvious or subtle bunkers protect the best approaches to the green. The best locationout is often referred to as the "A", or "green" position, with the context that there is a green flag to approach or take a yellow flag or caution or a red flag to turn conflict. Importance of a flag that does not do it, regardless of your position would have shot into the fairway. A better rates you will probably find the elements called "A" or a green protected by bunkers positioned strategically designed to capture or protected from the out of bounds (OB) or other dangers side or willfulrecordings played aggressively the opening of the green. Some examples of the first kind of shelter along the route include the sea wall to prevent the 18 holes at Pebble Beach, where the bunker helps the balls in the water column. The 12th Green at Augusta National is a bunker, the approach of mid-green to green narrows considerably, because the bunker behind the green and the speed of the greens (as well as the wind and pressure) protects. Similar to the holes 11 and 13, water andRae Creek provide a natural protection, which drastically reduces the possibility of approach shots. With the architectural changes made in recent years, Augusta are the best ways to capture most green positioned through the myriad of bunkers guarding the tee perfect shot. Set up short of bunkers forces the player to a long iron that difficult to keep the fast greens and difficult positions is the best shot hit the green. Flirting with the risk of a stroke that can not reach the second bunkergreen because of the strong lip of the bunker. The 13 th hole favors a draw off the tee, but too long and the tee you are faced with the overhanging trees, pine cones, Rae Creek and a lie irregularly with a narrow angle to the green, somewhat offset by the reduced length along the slope . The 6 th at Carnoustie is a famous risk-reward holes at 578 meters, with the position "A" or a flat space on the left side of the fairway green dangerously close to OB. AlthoughHe has only played in the 1953 Carnoustie Open (British), Hogan's Alley 6 is still famous for the way in which it is well known, threaded the needle and press the same area every day of the tournament and went for the green in two.

How do I make this work for my game?

There is nothing intrinsically difficult about the implementation of the management of the golf course and strategy game in your game. The key is to think differently, how to play holes that you can have played so often that youNow hit shots without thinking about strategy. Or do not have enough control of the golf ball, so I'm not an element that would work for you. One more reason to think strategically, how could the wise use of limited strengths and deliberately avoid your weaknesses, you improve your score and make you a better player. A warning along with this is that nothing in favor of what is expected to slow the pace of the game, you should do morethe thought behind the ball and always before the release of pre-shot routine. Do you have trouble, the ball different directions on demand, or prefer a draw or fade shot as predominate? You should have a serious shot hit you, on request, with a preference or comfort with one or another type of shot can. The strategic plan would play your shots based on the higher ball flight. Let's say, you're on the T in front of the hole a bunker 420 metersleft and right, is about 235-260 meters or so and the pin in the back right of the green closely protected by deep bunkers. Ceteris paribus (for example, wind conditions, etc.) if you must judge the appropriate forum, you probably took note of the "A" or stay in the green, just above and through the bunker on the left. A good player, probably a wood shot over the bunker on the left, around the corner to get the pin on the left side, which then opens up a fade to green. Adecent player can try running a driver or wood from the right side, over the bunker to leave a short iron or wedge with a good angle to the green. An alternative would be to hit a 3-iron or hybrid on the left just before the bunker and hitting a short iron (7 or 8 iron) in the green, play a fade, but out of the bunker under the game. What would you do? I can not tell you how many times over the years I played with a player who hit a driver in this situationthe right side, without even thinking twice (because we were on the tee). They will work with the worst approach to the green and bring the bunkers and the narrow part of the green into play. Even with the best discount given the circumstances, this game has managed to hit the red position, as a position from which you should not go for the pin. Tom Watson wrote in his excellent book, Tom Watson's Strategic Golf, which would require the architect of golf courses, orno more than 5 or dictating demanding heroic shots over 18 holes of golf. Watson was talking about the challenges for the professional player, and he was not about the design of the course, the position players have done it voluntarily. In our example above, the golfer is not thinking-not to implement the strategy game is done, add a heroic or turned into a golf hole, you probably believed the architect was free from such challenges! In other words, the golferwas able to play the hole in the hardest way possible! It 'easy to see how to play numb can lead to frustration, poor shots and high scores. The player in our example, complains about the bad luck that probably hits a great shot but ultimately in a position from which it is impossible to plug it. Luck has nothing to do with it, as the game fulfills the criteria of Hogan more than 60 years, that is a hit, no matter the result from the very beginning was meant to be bad. Asmany times in one round, another club that takes the driver from the tee to lay up to your favorite yardage? When is the last time the best approach to the pin before you see your swing and adjusted accordingly? Finally, to assess pin to determine if you shoot for them or will seek only because all the old pins from any old place, because that's how you play golf?


This article is a little 'long, but touchesSome important points for the course management and strategy game. Overlooking the golf course to play next time and see if you can recognize how the design course to play the hole, taking into account the green, yellow and red approaching and the corresponding pin positions. Before judging the next round is played on a course that you know well, or the course is played over and through your plan of attack to see if it is congruent with the challenges of thinkingthe hole. Find the easiest way to get the pin, or even better, with better golfers play and watch them or ask them how they play certain holes. Take a lesson in playing your first and pick his brain on the same subject. If you need to find out that you can make holes more difficult than they like our friend in the example above, change to map a strategy for how to play the hole. Lastly, no article that will help with changes for each instance of the game. I recommend this book about Tom Watsonas a primer to help you think through approaches to golf as a strategic game. There are a number of other good books on the subject of Johnny Miller and Ray Floyd, touching, among other things.

Happy golfing! Mark Choiniere

Barbados Travel tips – things you should know before starting

Posted: 01 Jul 2011 09:40 AM PDT

snake eyes golf clubs

There are no secrets travel anywhere you travel. This article will tell you the shortcuts you should know before traveling to Barbados. Do not miss the travel tips at the end!

Barbados is a beautiful island and a popular holiday destination. And 'one of the best islands in the Caribbean.


The currency is the Barbados dollar Barbados and the bayan. It is $ 1.98. So basically $ 20 Barbados is about $ 10 U.S., give or take a little '.

Cost ofGoods

Barbardos articles and services are not cheap. They are about the equivalent of goods or services in the United States.

A good meal for two with wine, run $ 100 U.S.. Souvenirs are $ 20 – $ 35 for T-shirts, $ 14.10 for towels, cups, etc.

Natuarally, because almost everywhere you travel, domestic goods are much cheaper than imported products.

Arrival and departure and while in Barbados

When you arrive in Barbados at the airport and take you bagswill walk from the bus terminal, taxi and shuttle transport. And 'better before a shuttle service to and from the hotel. A taxi from the airport runs $ 20-60 depending on the distance to the hotel and the size of the taxi you need. The shuttle is free bags for surfboards and some other large over-sized objects. Do not pay more than $ 5.

If you rent a car is about $ 50-60 a day. Let no more be calculated. If you are in the United States and isGoing to rent a car while in Barbados keep in mind is necessary to drive the car. That may sound simple, but the steering wheel on the wrong side of the car and the cars driving on the wrong side of the rode. This takes some 'getting used to, but also as a real adventure!


Barbados is an island colonized includes British and then the British conservatism in dress. The dress is casual during the day, dresses tropical beach trip. At night andDinner, the men wear trousers and collared shirts and ladies, where dresses and skirts. Because of the climate, it is best if they are lightweight materials.

The Barbados or Bajans as they are more common on the island, casual dress is more time. In city hotels and business dress is the norm for locals and there are many men in ties and even jackets.

As an association, go into your clothing purchases beach is not appropriate. Swimwear and swimsuits are reservedBeaches and beach bars.


There are some excellent restaurants in Barbados. The Cliff Restaurant is one of the best restaurants on the island. The view, as you can imagine the name is beautiful. The restaurant is on the side of a cliff overlooking the sea.

In St. Lawrence Gap, Bellini is great. E 'in a bay with small boats and it is amazing at sunset. The salmon is my favorite.

Most hotels have restaurants on a book ofInsular in their lobby or concierge services. There is a photo of the restaurant and menu with prices. This is a good way to pick up some places that you want to eat at your residence.


There are a wide range of hotels to choose from. It all depends on how much to spend.


If you are looking for a bargain, try the Sandy Bay Bea ch C lub. The hotel is very nice, 3 stars. But the staff is very friendlyand helpful and the beach a short walk away is perhaps the best on the island. And 'all-inclusive all meals, alcoholic beverages, gratuities and non-motorized sports are included. This makes it a great deal.

Breakfast and lunch are served buffet style and there is a snack bar in the middle. Dinner is a buffet dinner or choice of five courses in the dining room, booking is required. They will tell you that are booked for the dining room if youask, but you can always ask when you come only to see if it is terminated or if you try to come down now that the clock was at 8:30.

You can dive, kayak and pedal boat and everything is included. For an hour massage at the spa is only $ 65. A $ 5 you can set a large umbrella in the sand of your armchair. The activity center offers a turtle $ 50 and Shipwreck Snorkel excursion. This is a great boat ride and a truly affordable price.

If you try toBook this hotel www.cheapcaribean.com to use and you can get an even better deal.


The Hilton is a beautiful hotel located on a peninsula, so that the view from every window is crystal clear.

The hotel has all the amenities, valet, room service, scuba diving, restaurants, bars, spa, swimming pool, children's programs, all you need.

Rooms range from $ 450 – $ 1500 per night.

This is a beautiful hotel and if you spend money on anice vacation this is the place to choose from. You really need not even leave the hotel much. You have the view, pool and beach, and away with all the comforts of a hotel within walking distance.


Sandy Lane Hotel is the place to stay when the cost is not a problem. And 'the place where Tiger Woods and marriage is breathtaking.

The hotel is breathtaking. And 'by far the most luxurious hotels on the island. The name and is ready. SP A, G olf, horseRide, 5-star dining, concierge service, luxury limousine from the airport. Do you have it or find it for you.

Children have a summer holiday camp style called Tree Hou if C lub. And 'a childhood dream, with arts and crafts, cinema, swimming pool time. It 'also always the parents some time alone during the holidays. You should also enjoy a youth away from parents and children.

Rates vary from 850 – $ 10,000 per night.


Snorkellingwith the Turtles & Shipwreck

Catamaran snorkeling and boat trips are offered throughout the island. The turtle snorkel trip was nice, but you can not see or even turtles in the water. Keep yo ur eye, because you can see some of the boat.

The shipwreck is good snorkeling. There are a lot of fish and clear water color. There is an old wreck of a man and then more recent shipwreck, which sank a boat party, not as authentic, but bring some 'exotic seaLife.

Wildlife Reserve

If there's one thing out and do in Barbados to enter the Nature Reserve. It is based on the northern tip of the island and you can see the 4×4 Adventure Tour, take a taxi or rental car. And 'entrance fee of U.S. $ 13 and is worth three times the price.

If you are standing there are large turtles around the world. The reserve does not have cages in the main area. Only t he sna kes, python and giant iguanas are in a separate section in the cage. The monkeys, rabbits,and other wild animals run free. The reserve is strong with the rain forest looking for trees and vines, and hang swinging tools for the monkeys have a shadow effect. You walk through the reserve on the pavement. There is also a crocodile in a pond, so as not to escape with high rock walls.

This is a unique experience and something that can not fail.

Atlantis Submarine Excursion

If you decide to do, the U-boat excursion on www.magicaljourneys.com this book. They offer discountsincluding two for a certain book and save. That means $ 90 for two people instead of $ 180.

Other attractions include a tour of the island of rum tasting, caving, golf and horseback riding.

Important Travel Tips:

– Check the weather before you travel, so you know how to pack

– If you want to do and get the unclaimed money to get more money for the trip!

– Use controls travelers. If you are lost or stolen can be replaced usually within 24Hours, from almost anywhere in the world by most banks, service companies and a large number of traders

– Do you in your hotel room or valuable when you apply for the activation and use of safe in the closet.

– Do not call home from the hotel room. There are shops that you go to choose your computer, use a telephone to call home and talk for $ 0.50 per minute. The hotel connects with $ 5.00 to 35.00 and then $ 2.90 to 7.90 per minute! If yourCan call costs $ 2 – $ 5 per minute.

– Travel with great people and have fun!

