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How to identify the four personality types in each boardroom Resident

How to identify the four personality types in each boardroom Resident

How to identify the four personality types in each boardroom Resident

Posted: 06 Jul 2011 08:41 AM PDT

snake eyes golf clubs

If you're a regular visitor to my blog, you'll know that recently we are developing a new suite of program management and this has prompted me to investigate, what I call "personality types" and Merrill & Reid, "Social Styles" on call their book "The knowledge of social styles."

There are four personality types or social styles – Analytical, Driver, Amiable and expressive – and all four have their own unique approach to business, your language andThought processes are, etc. As a result, the best seller of cognition, personality, which make it more intelligent and adapt their approach and communication style accordingly.

In each meeting room, you can always find three of the four personality types, sometimes all four, I have discovered over the years, the personality is probably the position on the board, but to fill later.


Let's start with theDriver features. Drivers are action and goal-oriented, they need to see results and have a fast response time. They are decisive, independent, disciplined, practical and efficient. You typically use data and facts, speak and act quickly, leaning forward, show and establish a direct eye contact. Their posture is often hard and have controlled facial expressions.

Only rarely takes time for personal conversations or prepare waste and can be perceived by other stylesdominant or hard and difficult in pursuit of a goal. They are comfortable in positions of power and control, and have business-like offices with certificates and awards on the wall. In moments of stress, the driver can be autocratic.

The analytic

Analyticals involved organized, with all the facts and be careful before you act. Their need is there, to be exact, to be corrected. clean, orderly, methodical and in accordance with the standard operating systemProcedures, organizational rules, and historical modes of doing things. They usually have a slow response time and work slowly and carefully, as a pilot. I'm so serious, hardworking, persistent, demanding and experienced.

In general, task-oriented, facts and data use, tend to speak more slowly. Sit back and use their hands frequently. Do not come into direct contact eyes and control their facial expressions. Others may as closed, indecisive, critical, demanding to seemorally. You can be comfortable in positions where you can check the facts and figures and be sure they are right. They were clean, well-organized office and in times of stress, Analyticals tend to avoid conflict.


Enjoy expressive commitment, enthusiasm and interpersonal behavior. They are sociable, stimulating, enthusiastic and are good with and motivate others. They are also oriented ideas. have little interest in routine, are forward-looking andusually have a fast response time. You need to be accepted by others, tend to be spontaneous, outgoing, energetic, friendly and focused on people rather than tasks. Usually they use opinions and stories rather than facts and data. They speak and act quickly to change the tone, lean forward, show and establish a direct eye contact.

They use their hands while speaking, have a relaxed posture and an animated expression. They often show their feelings in their faces andby others as excitable, impulsive, undisciplined, perceived dramatic, manipulative, ambitious, selfish and too reactive. For the most disorganized offices and leisure facilities can be like golf clubs or tennis rackets have. In unfavorable conditions, tend to rely on expressive personal attack.

And finally – the lovable:

Need for cooperation loving, personal security and acceptance. They are uncomfortable and will avoid conflicts at allCosts. They value personal relationships, helping others and of pleasure. Amabile win some victims of their desires, for the approval of others. They prefer to work with others in a team, rather than individually, and have a pleasant reaction time and little concern with effecting change. Typically, they are friendly, supportive, respectful, helpful, reliable and enjoyable. They are also people-oriented.

They use opinions rather than facts and data to speak more slowlyand quietly, using more inflection in drivers or Analyticals. You lean back while talking and no eye contact, have a cavalier attitude and lively expression. They are perceived by other styles compliant, unsure, pliable, dependent and cumbersome. They have home offices – family photographs, plants, etc. is a nice response to stress, to meet with others.

First reaction of many people after reading the four profiles is to assume that theyfall into multiple categories, and this is absolutely correct. However, each has a dominant style and no one should believe that you fit into more than two, why not. Let me explain why:

The Social Styles Model:

You can not show a chart here, we ask two boxes above the other two boxes or if you prefer a window with four panes. In the upper left is analysis, top right, the drivers directly below them in the lower rightis expressive. Finally, directly below the analytical, is located in the lower left is the Amiable

Note where each style is, because this is important. The people with whom you will probably find it more difficult to obtain, of course, are their opposites on the matrix diagonal. So you need to explore the properties of the diagonally opposite corner to study Social Style.

Well, I can tell you is that most professional sellers are so expressiveclearly find it more difficult to relate to and communicate with them, Analyticals. This is a challenge in itself, because there will always be at least one of the formal analytical framework DMU!

What is even more interesting is that top performers of 5% (yes, a popular term that I know of) a driver! So you see, have no difficulty on the same wavelength because Analyticals side by side and, of course, have full synergy with other driver, the more theyalso affect expression. But, have little in common with Amabile. Why is it so important? Well, very simply, is a social style that you are less likely to find in a boardroom …….. yes, it's an endearing.

Thus, the inhabitants of different social style executive suites usually have?

Managers are usually the drivers, as you might expect.

CFOs are generally Analyticals

Administration sales are almost alwaysExpressive

Marketing directors are also expressive

Technical Directors are almost always Analyticals

And finally: Sale

Level 3, Top 5% Achievers are typically driver

Level 2, Sales are usually expressive

A level, emerging vendors, and women are almost always Amabile

It is dangerous to generalize, of course, and will always be exceptions, but from my experience, I'mrarely wrong with this concept of personal identity.

Copyright © 2008 Jonathan Farrington. All rights reserved

